It is a little thing. but it snuck up on me.
little things that signal that she's growing up.
Two nights ago she ate a chocolate pudding cup getting it only on her mouth. Sister didn't even need a bib.
and again this morning.
bib on just in case the oatmeal misses her mouth.
Blanket that can be thrown into the washer at a moments notice covering her lap as she sits comfortably on the couch with her "omeal"
next thing I know the bowl is empty.
and not one oat out of the bowl or her mouth.
little thing. but so grown up.
maybe it is the season. the nostalgia of it all.
I've been thinking about where she was last year at this time.
barely putting two words together.
attached to pooh like he was her baby.
not interested in opening any presents, just taking it all in.
and look what a year does.
It is an exciting time to see her discovering things. Just like changes of the seasons seem so much more excited when little eyes see them, Christmas is infinately more exciting.
I want to make a thousand more cookies, do Christmas crafts that involve glitter and construction paper, take walks every night to gaze at the light displays.
While its sad to know that she'll never be little again, there are just as many fun things as she grows each day.
The little one is growing too.
I've noticed that I actually finish a lot more cups of coffee that I pour.
And I get showers every almost every day.
It seems that these things sneak up on me suddenly, and this December they are hitting me like a ton of bricks.
But bring it on Christmas. It just keeps getting better.
realizing that most professors don't mind my knitting in class has been a life saver at the end of the semester.
not only do I learn more because it keeps me off of pinterest but Christmas presents get finished as well!
we took a family trip to the wonderful world of Ikea this weekend.
its like a home goods Disney world.
Happy Tuesday!
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