I'm linking up with Lindsay this week for things from my days that make me smile and get me through.
Daddy walks: daddy takes both littles for walks so mama can cook dinner. Or get some reading done. or breath. Its a nice break and an awesome time with them and their daddy.
New Camera Lens and accessories: It has been so much fun playing around with my early birthday present. I took a gazillion pictures this week, and I'm still learning but they're getting better.
Alone time with the littlest: Ella went on a beach adventure with Grammie for the second half of this week which means some quality one on one with this sweet face. be still my heart.
red head? we'll see...
Lots of knitting time: I spent 8 hours of Wednesday in a workshop which meant lots of time with my needles. The cooler weather and changing leaves have revived my yarn love and I've gone a bit crazy. But how stinkin' cute is this candy corn hat??
Autumn Scents: I found this warmer for cheap and so of course bought it with some ginger snap wax bricks. It turns out house into such a pleasant smelling place. It tricks people into thinking that I'm always cooking and brings the season in even if it is still a bit hot and humid outside (like the beginning of this week...)
Nutella: do I have to say more? I'm obsessed...
Pumpkin: Have you heard about the canned pumpkin shortage? apparently there is one. So inspired by my friend Julie , who is making something pumpkin everyday in October, I stocked up when I found a couple of cases at Walmart. While I won't be cooking with this delicious food everyday, I do like to try new things.
Via: This starbucks instant coffee is delicious! though it doesn't beat the real thing, and though it is a little too sweet for my black-coffee-straight-up needs, it is tasty. I'm a little bias for my past employer, but on mornings it is just me and the kiddos, its nice not to have to brew 4 cups for the one that I want to drink.
Cleric: I got my first cleric this week, donated from a fabulous woman. Weird to wear, but feels natural too.
Repurposed into a quilt: While my sweet Ella was adventuring, I took advantage of time with just the little one and got reacquainted with my sewing machine. I've been meaning to do hers for a while, and just made myself get around to it.
I used her old receiving blankets. The ones that we loved so much. The ones that swaddled her for the first six months of her tiny life and made a quilt for her big girl bed. They are semi-pilly and so loved thin, but it just seemed perfect to keep her warm in the coming months.
Pink and brown. Her colors.
Its not perfect, but I find the perfection in the imperfection.
Its a surprise.
I hope she likes it....
I love the candy corn hat! So sweet....