New Year's Eve has never been my favorite holiday.
I'm not good at staying up late.
which is really the whole point on this night of celebration.
this year turned our little family of three into a family of four.
So we decided to spend a low key evening counting our blessings, recapping the past year, and looking ahead to all the possibilities that are to come.
so we cooked a nice dinner.
we drank lemonade out of wine glasses.
we lit candles.
we put on some music.
we made it a special night.
we laughed.
and then the littles went off to bed. To them it just seems like another night with a special dinner.
Luke and I stayed up.
cuddled on the couch.
watched a movie.
and dozed off....
but woke up at midnight.
we drank champagne from mason jars and toasted to what we experienced in 2011 and we toasted to what is to come in 2012.
We watched the fireworks going off in the square from our bed in our dark bedroom.
Ella woke up so she climbed into bed with us.
The three of us watched the "red, blue, white boom in the sky" until they were over.
I never liked new year's eve.
until, in a darkened room, I watched fireworks light up the face of my 2 year old.
she watched the booms with delight. with wonder.
I watched her face with the same emotions.
2012 will bring us a two and a three years old.
2012 will make Luke and I half marathon runners.
2012 will bring new adventures (and income?) on internship wherever that may be.
I've been seeing "word of the year" floating around the blog world. Instead of making resolutions, the idea is to pick one word that will shape how decisions and the way you experience things this year.
I'm not sure that this is going to work for me any more than resolutions (and admittedly I did make some of those too), but I think I'll give it a try.
My word is STRENGTH.
There are so many unknowns this year. I have no idea what will happen and my faith and hope is high. But with these new experiences and with these adventures I need to remember to be strong. To know that everything happens as it is supposed to happen, and everything makes myself, my family and my relationships stronger.
So here we go 2012. Let's be friends.
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