I'm linking up with Lindsay again this week to show the things that made me smile and got me through this long dreary week.
**It's the puzzle that we play with over and over again...
she piles them up, and puts them back together over and over. she does it for hours. I'm not complaining :)
**It's the ritual of making baby food.
the rhythmic nature of cutting, boiling, pureeing, freezing...
and the excitement of trying new ones.
**It's milestones. watching her try so hard to crawl.
almost there.
**It's completely unscripted sister hugs.
**It's learning the rules of peek a boo.
If I can't see you, you can't see me. Of course.
**It's new hair and baby snuggles.
**It's this book. a couple bucks at Target, and now almost every page is covered with "trees," "Pup dogs," "git an git," "mom," "Daddy," "Phie," and "nanpop"
**It's organized planners that tell me where to be and who is with the girls when I'm there.
can't live without it. But this week it was surprisingly (and thankfully) empty in the got to go somewhere department. Lots of reading, lots of girls. But I'll take it.
**It's girly accessories that I can't wait to put up in my shop.
**It's Saturday afternoons when all of my house is napping and I can write my sermon in peace.
happy weekend, friends.
i love baby peek a boo :) Also, it's so awesome that you are making your own baby fod. i think i'll try that the next time around, if there is a next time around.
aw precious babes ... and your right ... it's the little things ... that's what life is all about ;)